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Horse Boots & Wraps

Horse Boots and Wraps are made for support and protection. Horse boots aid in reducing the risk of injury when riding, lunging, or during turnout. Horse boots are designed to soften impact, defend sensitive areas from over-reaching, and protect from rubs, cuts, and abrasions. Horse boots can be used on all horses but are commonly seen on performance horses such as hunters, jumpers, endurance horses, barrel racers, reiners, and any horse that may benefit from leg and hoof support. Horse boot styles include hoof or bell boots, fetlock boots, brush or splint boots, skid boots, and all-around sport boots for support. Horse boot selection depends on your discipline and your goal in using protective boots. Polo wraps are the most common type of wrap used for riding and exercise. Standing wraps can be used when a horse is injured to keep swelling down or for support after a workout. Standing wraps are used for stalled horses.